jueves, 27 de junio de 2019

Who I am now?

Samantha Stephens

In 24 hours change me to other person, would to be  playtime for me, more that the wish of I don´t  like my life,that´s way I thought in somebody I liked very much when I was a girl, in that time my wish were to be bewitched of TV. I liked because for a woman beatiful,smart, very witty and the best was her nose when it´s moved she were in ever place of Word.
To travel of  place to other one,  It was my dream when I walked to high school I will appear
In my class without have that lose time in the bus if I should have that nose, I thought while I watched  the sky.
I will like to move  nose and I be in seconds at the centre of Amazonia without afraid to insects or change the place and show up in the Paris streets or into the Bauhaus school of art or also to appear dancing in Rio of Janeiro for the carnaval,or either in  Bath in Uk or maybe at the Stonehenge.
For me the paradigm of  time is the great problem because now I must think only  Project to short term.

martes, 18 de junio de 2019


Susan Sontag

This word is very controversial when I talk with my sons and my husband. they hate it. My position as a woman is that this concept is sometimes not used accurately. Some women do not know how to use this word, so they exceed their rights and duties of any regular citizens.

I think that women should be respected by everybody as unique indivual beings, beyond their gender. Being a woman implies earning a good salary and having recognition for her job and responsibilities.

For me, an exemple of empowerment woman is Susan Sontag, and the important that as woman in your time stand out behavior in the face of male chauvinism.

Susan Sontag was a US writer, that into your thems she have very books over the photography and your analytic look femenine. She was a action woman and an artist and woman that won and acknowledgement of mean of artistic and the general public.

She haved a apperence very female but this not do weak it for her to would give firm opinión of what is that had happened in the word


My art project , I´m development a video with the distortion imagen created by special lenses.The references are watercolor of William Turner, as he traslated your enviroment, landscape contamined for coal and a lot of haze of England.  And the photos of artist german Jörg Sasse whon works with distortion digital in your visuals composition of the public space.

My project begins with when watch the increasing number of diabetic in my job at the center of health familiar in Maipu, the dificult visual is the real problem for the patiens, by that interest me because I wish to make an image of the perception that have persons diabetic.

The retinopathy diabetic is an disease the one that it appear when the diabetic person not care your physique and mental health by a lot time, It is one silent disease and find it in the exam clinic physical or with the Non-mydiatric retinography.

I would like that in the Project undergo it the gesture as it says Vilem Flusser in your theory of image technique.

domingo, 2 de junio de 2019

One of my favorite films


I like this film because it has a good social and real theme, with a reflection over the barriers in the relationships in a family. Everyone has psicologic fences that they don´t recognize. Also I like the photografic direction, the panoramic of the street at sunset, showing a beatiful sky, and the first shots of the characters. Troy and Rose are main actors in the story, they are very good!!!, I also like the performance of Gabriel, Troy's brother.

The film was made in 2016 and it is based on a play, it was written by August Wilson in 1983, before his death  in 2005, he wanted  the film to be directed by a black man. Then Denzel Washington was chosen, he has directed three films, now he is costar of Fences wit h Viola Davis.

The story takes place in Pittsburg in the 50's, around the afroamerican population, the racism problem and  comunication among generations.

The film maintains an extensive dialogue at the start very similarly to theatre texts, the locations for this scene is in the back garden and inside the house.

The development of family drama shows us the fences that they have  in their relationships, specially with the future of sons and after with his wife when Troy begins  a relationship outside of his marriage, and the lover makes him a  father.

The scene than most I like is when Rose goes off deception and angry, after of maintein fidelity to Troy and her family,  left out her dreams out side. Her fences come to light and she cry very much, she recognized finally than ha done house empty only for she.

I think than the storie left the refletion over to understand to persons major, we dont know them ýour stories and why things are the way they are.

A film 2001

Hedwig and the angry inch 2001 USA I believe that I like cinema as much as photography, in 2005 I watched a film that surpris...